Friday, November 18, 2011

Last Day with the Sisters

Today was the last day with Sister Wixom and Sister Allred. We went to church in Moree--a little fishing village on the coast here in Ghana. We had a great day yesterday. We had leadership training meetings and a devotional that was well attended--close to 500 preisthoon and auxiliary leaders showed.

We met two women today in Cape Coast. One,  a freind and Relief Society president of the other. Rosebud has been having problems for some time and has been to several doctors in the area. She has had surgery is still having chronic pain. The doctors gave her ibuprofen and a bunch of herbs, but nothing she has done to this point has helped. She confided in her Relief Society president who has been praying to find some relief for her good freind sister Rosebud. The night before the devotional with Sister Allreda and Sister Wixom, she (the RS president) had a dream, and in the dream she was told that they would meet someone tomorrow, who would help them. She blew it off, thinking that it was a rediculous notion, but when she saw Sister Fife, she knew who she was one of the missionary doctors, and ran to her and spilled her story. We met with her for only a minute or two, but were able to give her the answers that she needed. Again, it felt good to be needed--like we were suppose to be there that day, if not just to see Rosebud for 5 minutes. Funny how missionary work leads you in so many different directions.

I had a happy little guy that followed me (Elder Fife) around for a couple of hours. I don't know his fascination aside from my lilly-white skin. He would have nothing to do with Sister Fife for some reason. I was rather amused as it is typically just the opposite--and I didn't even need to use any smile makers.

We had a great, hectic, faboulous, spiritual, and lovely trip across the Africa West Area these last two weeks. We are excited to be home (finally calling Accra home rather than Minot or Seeley Lake.

...From Ghana
Elder and Sister Fife

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