Saturday, August 11, 2012

Small Things, Small Minds

They say that small things amuse small minds. I am sure that whenever people see us 'webosas' (what they call white people in Nigeria), I'm sure they think something similar as we are totally fascinated with the mere simple things of life--like these boys selling oranges in the rain outside a gas station near Ile Ife in Nigeria,

or this transport gassing up in the next lane getting ready to deliver eggs to the market.

As you can tell, we spent this last week in Nigeria. This very likely was our last trip to Nigeria, but in our job, we never say never, as new things come up every day. We had a special assignment to visit some individuals in Lagos and we took the opportunity to visit the rest of the missionaries as well.

As much as we hate flying into the Lagos airport, we love the missionaries that serve there. We have seen these missionaries several times during our short time here in Africa and they are now getting use to seeing our pale faces.

Two Zones of Legos Missionaries
We accomplished what we came for even though the week wasn't exceptionally pleasant. The highlight of the week is the dinner and send of for Elder and Sister Baker whose last day in the mission field was Wednesday. President and Sister Karkari cave them a final meal in style--complete with Nigerian dancers. We had a lovely night. Afterword we met with the senior couples--the Wingets (humanitarian aid), the Jennings (perpetual education fund), the Johansens (office couple) and the outgoing Bakers. We learned a new card game called $1.35--no, it's not poker, but its as close as you can come here in the mission feild.

Dancing in the Mission Home Parking Lot
...From the small minded missionaries,
Elder and Sister Fife

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